Tuesday, May 13, 2014

June Astrology Forecast

June Astrology Forecast
At each moment the planets and how they position offer us ability to produce and express our-self according to the vibrational energy of the point in time. June presents many choices in recovering, contemplation, and integration amongst our thoughts and sentiments. The month starts off with Ceres changing direct. Ceres is the principle of nurturing, ruling over food formation. Be searching for reports concerning foodstuff production, rates and disputes. Mercury is either with its shadow or retrograde the whole month of June, relocating from early degrees of Cancer back towards the sign it rules Gemini. Just how we think about lifetime and what we wish to know and learn are important key points.

Neptune shifts retrograde at one time a year and makes a very powerful laser beam of all things Neptune at this time. Your meditating practice, imaginative ventures, recognition and release of harmful events, photos, film, water, yoga, dissolving rigid behaviours and means of being are especially under the Neptune umbrella. This can be a time to honour the Neptune parts of your life that you wish to develop or get back into.

Will you long to go swimming? An ocean vacation? Learn ways to take dynamite snap shots or film? Get into a yoga and meditation regimen? The days all-around the Neptune station are the time you might have the help and support of Neptune to encourage you and put it into motion.

The full moon in Sagittarius is a fun and adventurous time to go out and express your liberation to be you. The need to know is potent; ignore preconceived opinions and open your spirit to universal realities and skills.

Chiron retrograde and the Cancer solstice chart are bound together by one day. This time furthers the aspects of reducing past hurts and allowing for emotional tranquility and centeredness. There is a deep fascinating of annoyance or even anger associated with the ingress chart when the Moon in Aries conjunct Eris will bring to light parts in your life that you feel you’ve been shut out. Sometimes it is from a promotion you should have had, other times injustice and inequality, but most especially, feeling diminished by situations that have blocked your capacity to enjoy the life you prefer. The trick given from the planetary location is to keep reconnecting with what is most important in lifespan. Deep below the surface, when all is mentioned and carried-out what is the more significant to you than all else. Binding with that sensation and holding it deep inside and letting it room to be and develop will change your lifetime. The stress will go away and motivation to do what is needed to have what is most critical in your lifespan will change-out hurt and anger.

The newer moon in Cancer on the 27th furthers the solstice energy to move on with lifespan. Mars is exactly opposite Uranus inspiring the aspiration to make progress. As one isn’t concentrated in your hearts key concern then there is definitely a scattered effort to do too many things at the same time leading to an awkward feeling of jarred nerves. The Mars Uranus opposition at the solstice happens for being within one degree of the upcoming lunar eclipse in October. Journal what you did at this time and you may be surprised when October roles all-around how the instances tie together.


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